Took Thursday off as recovery from the Wednesday outing and today I went to the gym. I got there late and did one toprope (5.9) with Kate and Craig before I teamed up with Kirk for the rest of the morning. I then led a 10a, 10c, 10d (my project route, sad though it is), 10d (made it just barely), 10b, and I finished with another 10b but fell off once. Either that route was pretty hard or I was pumped. I don't have much strength or endurance just yet, so I guess I was just done. I'll clean it up on Monday.
The goal is to be back on 5.11's by the end of January. I've done a couple on TR already, but I'm hoping to be back onsighting 5.11a by then. We'll see.
11a by end of jan? No problem!